Our eyes are among the most significant area s on the human body. Of course, an excellent means to underline the eyes is through various kinds of piercings. Whereas other types of face piercings are getting more accepted, eyebrow piercing is already a leader and still originating new styles in body piercing According to the position it has got, eyebrow piercing can be classified into several types. • Horizontal eyebrow piercing is horizontally located above the eyebrow, following its line. The extraordinary look of this piercing can add to the shape of your eyebrow. Jewelry options that will suit this kind of piercing include barbells, curved barbells, banana bells as well as bio-plast barbells. • Bridge piercing represents an alternative to nose piercing . It's the portion of skin between the top of your nose and your eyes which is pierced. Yet, this is not the best variant if you've got a tight skin in the area because it will dry and flake away. • Anti-eyebrow piercing is...